A question we often get asked, ‘Is it messy to rewire a house?’ We break down the real process of how a house is rewired. If you live in and around the areas of Harlow, and are thinking of getting your home rewired, give FCS a call today.
So you’ve just bought a new house and your looking to have it rewired. So the first thing you do is call full circuit solutions because…. No brainer, right!
Your looking to have your house rewired but your worried about the mess its going to cause and the time its going to take
First of all, you need to define to what extent you are going to have your house rewired. Do you want to have all the cables, switches and sockets concealed into the fabric of the building so you cant see anything or are you quite happy with the budget option of surface mounted trunking with surface sockets and switches.
If your opting for the cleaner finish with everything chased or sunken into the walls your going to want to make sure that your chosen contractor has invested into the correct kit to carry out the job safely and as clean as possible. Your contractor is going to need to have a wall chaser and a class M vacuum as a bare minimum. Full circuit solutions are rewire specialists and as such we have invested heavily into our kit and professional grade home rewire specific tools to make sure we can complete rewires as cleanly and efficiently as possible.
If your opting to have a surface mounted rewire, the amount of mess is massively reduced when undertaking a home rewire. Because walls and other surfaces will not need to have huge chases gouged out of them, the amount of dust kicked up during the rewire is kept to a minimal. This option is often chosed by landlords who are looking to rewire a property on a budget.
On a standard 3 bedroom house, the difference between chasing and not chasing can be a huge 3 to 5 days of labour.
At Full Circuit Solutions we always advise that the customer leaves us with an empty house when undertaking a rewire. A rewire is a very obtrusive project, whether cables are being chased into walls or not and when it comes to the final legs of the job and we bring in our specialist cleaners to spuce up the house after the finished rewire, the less stuff (furniture, belongings, clothes) the less there is to clean. Always remember, your biggest expense is going to be labour.
As an experiment we have priced a standard three bedroom house rewire for two options, one that is a lived in occupied rewire and another with a vacant property.
The price difference was over £3000.
It does not make financial sense for you to live in your house whilst it is rewired. With the additional cost, we always advise that the customer is better off paying for storage for a week along with man and van removals and take yourself off somewhere sunny while your house is being rewired.
That way, you get a holiday, a nice tan, regular updates on how the project is progressing (if you want them) and a full rewired house that is left clean and tidy for when you come back! You could also arrange for the removals and re-delivery of your possessions for while your away meaning apart from the fact you’ve added a lot of value to your house in terms of saleability, safety and infrastructure longevity, you’ll never even know we had been here!
To summarise. A rewire is a very messy job. But done properly and with the right planning, its very easy to take all the stress and mess out of it!
If your thinking of having your house rewired call Full Circuit Solutions today!